Category: News

Proudly presenting the link to the newest (co-)publication in Artificial Intelligence about Abstraction! Zeynep Gozen Saribatur and Thomas Eiter and Peter Schüller. Abstraction for non-ground answer set programs. Artificial Intelligence 300, pages 103563, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2021.103563

My YouTube Podcast “Human – Technology – Future” has started – check it out, subscribe, and join the journey through Artificial Intelligence and Spaceflight!

A new Plugin for the Hexlite Solver and the HEX Language makes it possible, to use OWL Ontologies from HEX Programs using a bidirectional OWLAPI integration. That is, the Answer Set can modify the ontology and the ontology can influence Read more…

Another publication that I coauthored has been accepted and presented at the ICLP conference 2019 “Partial Compilation of ASP Programs“- it is about compiling ASP programs into C++ source code for more efficient evaluation of constraints that would be huge Read more…

My newest publications at the JELIA Conference are now online and describe the Hexlite Solver [author PDF] and a method for Domain-Abstraction in Answer Set Programming (with Zeynep G Saribatur and Thomas Eiter).

I was interviewed by the renowned newspaper about AI and universal translation: “Star Trek”, Super-KI, Aliens: Wo bleibt der Universalübersetzer?

I am proud about Andreas Schmidt, who completed his BSc Thesis “Plugin for Interacting with an IMAP Server from ACTHEX” about the new IMAP Plugin for the ACTHEX Fragement that is implemented in the Hexlite Solver. Congratulations!

Two papers where I am coauthor have been accepted at the European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA), 2019. The first one about the Hexlite Solver solver “Peter Schüller. The Hexlite Solver”. The second one about abstraction methods for Non-Ground Answer Set Read more…

Together with Carmine Dodaro and Christoph Redl I am one of the organizers of the Answer Set Programming Challenge 2019 which will take place in the following months. The results will be presented at the 15th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Read more…

Welcome to my new homepage! Most content from the previous version of the homepage can be found on the Science and Projects pages. The new homepage includes an adapted version of the WordPress Di Business theme and a self-made feedback system. Feel free to Read more…